Kashmiri Saffron
Saffron is produced from purple Saffron flowers and one kg fresh saffron flowers produce approximately 18 and 25 g of dried Saffron mongra (stigmas only) and lacha (pistils i.e. stigma + style) saffron grade respectively. Study on Kashmir saffron shows that the parts of the fresh saffron flower contain 8% stigma, 2% style, 80% sepals and petals, 8%stamens and 2% residue. Saffron of Jammu and Kashmir, also referred to as Kashmiri Saffron is famous for its intrinsic high quality due to high colouring strength, aroma and its bitterness. The price of Kashmiri Saffron is fairly higher than Iranian Saffron, possibly due to shorter style and stigma in Kashmiri saffron.
Buying Kashmiri Saffron
At ABK, we ensure that the best Kashmiri Saffron is available for our customers, and we have been doing it since decades - selling only Grade A Kashmiri Saffron. Just a pinch of ABK's Kashmiri Saffron can make your food flavorful.
It is interesting to know that that it takes some 14000 stigmas (estimated) to produce only one ounce of saffron threads.
Kashmiri Saffron has a dark red colour and as Saffron ages, it turns darker. Kashmiri Saffron in yellowish or blackish colour is old stuff.
How to store saffron
Store in a cool and dry place away from direct heat and sunlight to keep your saffron full of intense flavours.